Saitama, the protagonist of One Punch Man, is a character who defies the typical hero archetype. Created by ONE, One Punch Man is a popular manga...
Guts Berserk, the protagonist of Kentaro Miura’s critically acclaimed manga Berserk, stands as one of the most complex and compelling characters in the dark fantasy genre....
1Gon Freecss is one of the most beloved characters in the world of anime and manga, thanks to his role as the protagonist in Hunter x...
Gohan, one of the central characters in the Dragon Ball series, has captivated fans for decades with his unique personality, incredible potential, and complex journey as...
Edward Elric, also known as “Ed,” is one of the most beloved characters in the world of anime and manga. As the main character of Fullmetal...
Cowboy Behttp: is a seminal work in the anime world that has captured the imaginations of viewers around the globe. Created by Shinichirō Watanabe and first...
Beast Gohan: The Ultimate Form of Gohan in Dragon Ball Super the son of Goku, is one of the most popular characters in the Dragon Ball...
Aomine Daiki is a standout character in the popular anime and manga series Kuroko’s Basketball. Known for his exceptional basketball skills and charismatic personality, Aomine has...
Levi Ackerman, a central character in Attack on Titan, is widely regarded as one of anime’s most skilled and intriguing fighters. Created by Hajime Isayama, Attack...